
How to write a good git commit message

There’s a lot of freedom to writing commit messages in Git, but without any structure your Git history will become an unusable mess. This can make it harder to make sense of your changes during active development (to rebase, cherry pick or revert as necessary). It can also affect the maintainability of older code, as the lack of context will make it harder to understand why code was added in the first place.

To write good commit messages, I recommend the following set of guidelines:

1. Separate commit title and body

A Git commit message is usually made of two parts, a title (also called a “subject”) and a body (also called a “description”). The title is used throughout Git as a short way to represent your commit. The body is optional, but can be much longer. The body is usually only visible when you look into the details of a single commit.

On the Git CLI, the title is the first line of a commit, and if there are no other lines, the entire commit message. The body starts after the first newline and is the remainder of the commit message. In a Git UI, these fields are usually separate and you won’t have to manually add a newline.

Picture: A Git UI (Git Fork) showing "Fix typo in commit message gist" in the title field, and an empty body field
Git interfaces usually show separate fields for the title and body (Git Fork pictured)

The title must very briefly describe what the commit changes. Be specific, but not too specific. There are often two parts to this; the component and the specific part within that. “Fix Button” and “Fix hover state” would never be enough, but “Fix hover state of Button” could sufficiently summarize your change.


“Fix PR feedback” or any variations are never a good Git commit message. It doesn’t describe what changes, and it isn’t even a good motivation to make a change.

Sometimes the title is enough to describe a commit and the body can be omitted. This can be for commits that are so simple, that no additional information is necessary. For example a commit like “Fix typo in commit message gist” will suffice. The details of the change could be easily looked up in the changed files.

2. Write the title as an imperative statement

Always start the title with an imperative verb, turning it into an imperative statement. You commit does something to your codebase; it’s a patch on everything that was before. Your commit message represents that patch.

A trick to write a good title is to think of a sentence that could be used to complete “Apply this patch to...”. Some examples of sentences that work: “Add login form”, “Replace react-lib1 with react-lib2”, “Fix issue where no one could upvote my posts”.

What imperative verb you use isn’t very important. Most of my commits start with “Fix”, “Add”, “Update” or “Refactor”. I also sometimes use “Improve”, “Replace”, “Make x do y”, “Clean up”, “Rename” etc., but that does make me feel a little bit dirty.

3. Keep the title concise

An old convention is to keep the title shorter than 50 characters, but while most of my commit messages fall under this amount, I find this is often not enough. Tools such as GitHub sometimes [cut off](They move them into the commit body) commit messages longer than 72 characters, so that is a more reasonable limit. Still, if you really need more characters, there’s no good reason not to use them.

Picture: Showing a GitHub commit: "Update package security gist: add links to articles about deliberal..." "...y introduced malicious code in npm packages" in the main branch by MartijnHols committed 3 weeks ago
A very long commit message gets cut off in the GitHub commit view

The commit message should state as briefly as possible what was changed. But it’s important not to skip over any details. If possible and within reason, be specific. A commit message that is just “Update Tooltip” or “Fix logout issue” only points us in a direction and misses any useful information about what you did. Much better would be “Fix Tooltip background is indistinguishable from code blocks” (c4794e3) and “Fix users get logged out after 5 minutes”. It is much more useful to be able to at a glance see what you did.

4. Provide context in the body

Provide additional context and reasoning for your change in the commit body. This can help others understand the context and purpose behind the change.

When you’ve finished work on something, you’ve become the expert of that piece of your app. You might have spent hours figuring out how everything fits together and how to make the required change without the entire house of cards falling down. That context is hard to come by, so share it in the commit body. This is useful for your reviewer to understand your change, the next person who gets a bug report in that piece of code, and future you when you’re refactoring it.

Focus on why you made the change. The commit title and changed files represent what you changed. The commit body is for describing the why. Some questions you can ask yourself:

  • Why was this necessary?
  • Why did I choose this specific solution?
  • Why did I not do more? Or less?

In most commits, you can omit the commit body as the title sufficiently describes the commit. Still, it’s better to write a body too often than hardly ever.


Any context that you would write in your PR should be part of your commit messages in Git. If you forgot to add sufficient context in your initial commit, you can always amend or rebase it in later. The only thing you unfortunately can’t put in a commit are screenshots (unless you upload them first).

5. Reference everything

Include issue numbers or link to anything related at the bottom of the commit message body. The most important reference is one with a “fixes” keyword. This is usually a ticket ID (such as from JIRA), but it can be anything such as a link to a Sentry error or even a link to a Slack discussion if it holds relevant information.

If the referenced item does a good job of describing the requirements that necessitated your changes, that’s a great way to avoid needing to write that again.

6. Be consistent

Maintain a consistent style and format across all commit messages in your project. This makes it easier to read and understand the history. Aspects of this are the language you use, capitalization, punctuation, and the naming of your components. These things should be consistent with your codebase at the time of the commit.

7. Make it as simple as possible

As always . This also applies to your got commit message. Keep the Git commit message simple, so anyone can understand it at a glance.

During development, you went through a process of decivering the requirements, business logic and existing code and then added something new on top of that. The majority of the time spent goes into this process of analysis and planning, while the time spent actually typing code is minimal. Write your git commit message for someone who hasn’t gone through these processes yet, so they can understand your change without needing to go through the entire process.

That’s the gist of writing a good Git commit message. When it all comes together, you get something like:

Replace all font-sizes with browser defaults
This makes all text base font-size scale based on the font-size visitors
configured in their browser. Standard in Chrome is 16pixels.
Based on
I am a big fan of using browser defaults (using the platform), and it hadn’t occurred to me
before that font-size also applied to that.
Fixes #46

If you follow these guidelines, your colleagues, future you, and your replacements will be thankful.


What if there are multiple changes in a commit?

Split up your changes into multiple commits. That not only makes your commit messages specific, it also isolates each change. This makes your changes easier to follow, review, git rebase, git revert, git cherry-pick and more. It also makes it easier for you to write good Git commit messages.

Conventional commits

Conventional commits is a convention for writing structured commit messages. While its primary goal is to make it easier to write automated tools on top of your Git history, it can also serve as a way to get developers to write better commit messages.

When not writing for automated tools, it can be hard to figure out when to use “feat” in place of something else. The way I like to resolve this, is to think of whether my change should bump the minor or patch version of my project. Usually only the first commit that introduces a new feature is a “feat” and anything else is a tweak that can be done with “fix” or similar.


I like to think of most commits as requirements for my code. Each commit is done for a reason, and when they are properly split up, this often represents a requirement.

A pattern I noticed when I work on a new feature is that I often commit the main chunk in one go in an “Add x” commit. When finishing up, I add smaller commits for things I either forgot, or feedback I get (which are typically also for things I forgot). For instance, someone might point out an edge case that I missed. When I add support for this edge case, I will make sure to create a separate commit for it. Then when someone inspects my code 6 months later, Git Blame will clearly reveal the edge case and they can use the commit as if it’s a requirement.

Don’t put the issue ID in the commit title

Don’t put the issue ID in the commit title. It is useless to anyone glancing the history or blame. No one has issue IDs memorized. It distracts and takes precious characters away from the most important information of a commit. Any decent Git tool will be able to search inside commit bodies when searching your history, so your commit messages are just as findable.

Git Fork

(Not sponsored) As user interface for Git, I use Git Fork. It’s fast, user friendly, works on Mac and Windows, does not require a subscription, and makes anything you want to do in a Git a breeze. The visual overview and feedback of the commit history also adds a lot, and interactive rebasing has never been easier. Most people I asked don’t know how to stage only a subset (a few lines) of a changed file on the CLI, yet with Git Fork this is trivial and gives clear visual feedback which makes splitting up commits much easier. I cannot recommend Git Fork enough.

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